Products Details

Bento (Bentonite Sulphur)

What nutrients does it contain?

Sulphur 90% + Bentonite clay

What is it & how does it help in crop nutrition?

  • Bentonite Sulphur contains sulphur and bentonite clay. Because this fertilizer contains 90% sulphur, bentonite sulphur is more efficient at providing sulphur to crops.
  • After N, P, and K, sulphur is the fourth most important nutrient for plants.
  • In order to synthesize the amino acids needed to make proteins, sulphur is a crucial ingredient.
  • Additionally, sulphur is necessary for the synthesis of chlorophyll and the utilization of phosphorus and other crucial nutrients.
  • All crops can benefit from it, but oilseed and legume crops in particular.
  • Both the quantity and quality of the crop produced increase.
  • It raises the amount of oil in crops with oilseeds.
  • It guarantees the crops will have access to sulphur for a longer time.

How do they benefit farmers?

At present, farmers encounter difficulties safeguarding their soil, and our products offer a viable solution. By using our products, farmers can achieve increased crop yields and higher-quality produce, resulting in greater profits for them.

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