Products Details

BioMic (Humic acid) Liquid

What nutrients does it contain?

Humic Acid

What is it & how does it help in crop nutrition?

BioMic is generated from decayed plants and animals.

BioMic helps to improve soil structure

BioMic helps to increase nutrient uptake in plants.

By enhancing plant growth-promoting hormones like auxin and cytokinin, which support stress resistance, nutrient metabolism, and photosynthesis, BioMic also promotes crop growth.

The efficiency of pesticides and fertilizers is improved by BioMic.

Shelf life of fruits and vegetables are also enhanced by BioMic application.

How do they benefit farmers?

At present, farmers encounter difficulties safeguarding their soil, and our products offer a viable solution. By using our products, farmers can achieve increased crop yields and higher-quality produce, resulting in greater profits for them.

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