Products Details

O-K (Potassium Derived from Molasses)

What nutrients does it contain?

A potassium-rich fertiliser made from molasses, is an affordable alternative to the conventional potash fertilisers.

What is it & how does it help in crop nutrition?


  • O-K, a potassium-rich fertiliser made from molasses, is an affordable alternative to the conentional potash fertilisers. Both the vegetative growth phase of plants and the production phase are benefited heavily by this fertiliser. All types of crops can benefit from these nutrients.
  • O-K is produced with the help of sugarcane by-products.
  • O-K acts as a substitute for synthetic potassic fertiliser with organic potash.
  • Due to its critical role in metabolic processes like photosynthesis, water transport, and other enzymatic activity, potash is essential for plants.
  • O-K helps to increase the size of fruit and flowers.
  • In addition to that, it naturally increases vegetable productivity and quality.
  • O-K also helps in soil improvement and long-term soil health maintenance.
  • O-K greatly reduces disease and pest attack.


How do they benefit farmers?

At present, farmers encounter difficulties safeguarding their soil, and our products offer a viable solution. By using our products, farmers can achieve increased crop yields and higher-quality produce, resulting in greater profits for them.

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