Products Details

O-Vermi (Vermicompost)

What nutrients does it contain?

 An organic manure prepared with the help of earthworms. 

What is it & how does it help in crop nutrition?

  • O-Vermi is an organic manure prepared with the help of earthworms.
  • Earthworm species are generally utilized in the organic and biological process of vermicomposting to turn organic matter or biodegradable trash into manure. Since the created vermicomposts are nutrient-rich, they are frequently employed as bio fertilizers in organic farming.
  • O-Vermi contains higher levels of plant-available nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, than traditional compost.
  • O-Vermi enhances the soil's biological, chemical, and physical characteristics, such as soil aggregation, porosity, water-holding capacity, buffering capacity, and nutrient retention.
  • The pH of the soil is stabilised by O-Vermi.
  • By enabling the formation of new shoots and leaves, O-Vermi improves plant growth and increases output.
  • O-Vermi increases soil microbial activity, introduces helpful microorganisms, and lowers the occurrence of disease and insect infestations.
  • The crops have a good flavour and long shelf life.
  • Auxin, gibberellin, vitamins, and enzymes are all present in reasonable amounts in O-Vermi.

How do they benefit farmers?

At present, farmers encounter difficulties safeguarding their soil, and our products offer a viable solution. By using our products, farmers can achieve increased crop yields and higher-quality produce, resulting in greater profits for them.

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