
Land Preparation
2-3 ploughings are necessary to prepare the soil after summer ploughing. Bundling the field properly can help you retain and preserve water. At least a week before transplanting, irrigate the land. Then, before transplanting, puddle the soil and fill it with water.
Seed rate and spacing
25 kg/ha for lowland and hilly regions, and 50 kg/ha for highland regions, is the ideal seed rate. Spacing: 20 x 20 cm Depth: 3-4 cm For a higher yield, transplant 2-3 plants per hill
Intercultural operation
Gap filling : To maintain a healthy plant population, close the gap by replacing the dead plant with a fresh one. Weeding should be done properly.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Irrigate the crop at the tillering, ear emergence, flowering, and grain filling stages in the absence of rain.
Weed management
Within 48 hours of sowing in the nursery at the appropriate moisture, combine Pretilachlore 30.7% EC 1.25lt with 15-20kg sand and scatter it per hectare. After 10 days of transplanting at field moisture conditions, use Nominee Gold (Bispyribac Sodium) @ 200gm per hectare.
Climate & Soil

The tropical environment is ideal for growing rice. In humid to sub humid areas with subtropical and temperate climates, it is also cultivated effectively. Although paddy may be produced in a broad range of soil types, including clay loam and sandy loam, the optimum soils are those with strong water retention.

Insect pest management


  1. Spray 600–1000 ml/acre of Azadirachtin 0.15%.
  2. Application of Thiamethoxam 25 WG at 40 g/acre is required.


  1. Limit your usage of nitrogen.
  2. Natural enemies like Wolf-spider (Lycosa pseudoannulata) and Mirid bug (Cyrtorhinus lividipennis) adults (200–250 bugs/ha) should be released when BPH is most prevalent.
  3. Set either yellow pan traps during the day or light traps at night.
  4. Apply Azadirachtin 0.03% 400 ml/acre or Neem oil 3%  @6 lit/acre.
  5. Apply Imidacloprid 17.8 SL 40-50 ml/acre

Yellow Stem Borer

  1. Set up a light trap at 1 per hectare and a pheromone trap at 5 per acre.
  2. Release the egg parasite Trichogramma japonicum at a rate of 2 ml/acre three times at weekly interval.
  3. Spray 400 ml/ac with either 5% Azadirachtin or 5% Neem seed kernel extract.
  4. Acephate 75 % SP  @267-400 g/acre should be applied

Gall Midge

  1. Create an infrared light trap, then keep an eye on the adult flies.
  2. Harvest the crop and start the plough right away.
  3. Eliminate the substitute hosts and start your planting early.
  4. Apply Thiamethoxam 25% WG @40 g/acre

Leaf folder

  1. At 37, 44, and 51 days, release Trichogramma chilonis @ 2 ml (40,000/ac) three times.
  2. Don't use too many nitrogen-rich fertilizers.
  3. Spray 400 ml/ac of Azadirachtin 0.03% or NSKE 5%.
  4. Apply Thiamethoxam 25% WG @40 g/acre



Plant diseases management


  1. From bunds and waterways, remove any hosts for collateral weeds.
  2. Use only seedlings free of disease.
  3. Limit the nitrogen intake.
  4. Apply Carbendazim 50WP @ 500g/ha

Bacterial Leaf Blight

  1. Spray 20% fresh cowdung extract twice (once when the disease first manifests itself and then at every two week interval).
  2. It is advised to use NSKE 5% or 60 EC 3% Neem oil.

Rice Tungro Virus

  1. To draw in and manage the leaf hopper vectors as well as to keep an eye on the population, light traps must be put up.
  2. Spray using any of the 2 following pesticides two times 15 and 30 days after transplanting: Thiamethoxam 25 WDG @100g/ha or Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @100ml/ha.

Brown spot

Apply Metominostrobin @ 500ml/ha

False smut

Propiconazole 25 EC @ 500ml/ha (or copper hydroxide 77 WP @ 1.25 kg/ha) should be sprayed twice at boot leaf and 50% flowering stages.

Harvesting & post-harvest management

About three months after planting, when the plants have grown to their maximum potential and the grains have started to mature, the tops start to droop, the stems start to yellow, water is drained from the fields. The harvest is started as the fields start to dry out and the grains continue to mature. After harvesting, threshing is done followed by drying.