Products Details

CalciNbor ( Calcium Nitrate + Boron)

What nutrients does it contain?

Nitogen, Calcium and Boron

What is it & how does it help in crop nutrition?

  • CalciNbor fertilizer has been developed with a double objective: the availability of all nutrients in the correct proportions and the convenience to available to the plant
  • CalciNbor brings you another step towards optimal crop quality, setting a new standard in crop nutrition for all media grown and soil grown vegetable and fruit crops
  • CalciNbor prevents Calcium, nitrogen and boron deficiencies.
  • CalciNbor improves nutrient availability.
  • CalciNbor delivers all Ca, N & B at right time.
  • The boost in calcium helps to improve leaf strength, fruit and roots.
  • Through the encouragement of pollination, seed, and fruit development, boron significantly improves reproductive processes.

How do they benefit farmers?

At present, farmers encounter difficulties safeguarding their soil, and our products offer a viable solution. By using our products, farmers can achieve increased crop yields and higher-quality produce, resulting in greater profits for them.

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