
Climate & soil

The best soil for growing tomatoes is sandy loam that is rich in organic matter. The ideal temperature for its cultivation is between 15 and 27 °C, however excessive or persistent rain during the flowering and fruiting stages has a negative impact on fruit setting and yield.

Land Preparation

With a power tiller or by digging with a shovel, the soil should be turned over two to three times. To create a friable soil bed before planting, planking should be done during the last ploughing.

Seed rate and spacing

400 g/ha for open-pollinated plants and 200 g/ha for hybrids. After 25–30 days of sowing, the nursery is prepared for transplanting. For hybrids and open pollinated varieties, the seedlings are spaced at 75 x 45 cm and 60 x 45 cm, respectively.

Intercultural operation

For the best development and yield, four hoeing and weeding sessions are necessary. For open pollinated hybrid or indeterminate cultivars to produce high yields and better quality of fruits, staking is a crucial operation. Either a bamboo stick or wire is required for staking.

Crop nutrition management


Irrigation Management

Plant 25-days-old seedlings on the sides of ridges after irrigating the furrows. On the third day after planting, little irrigation is required. In the summer, irrigation must be done every 5-7 days, however in the winter, every 10-15 days will be sufficient.

Weed management

Apply 1.0 kg a.i/ha of Pendimethalin or Fluchloralin as a pre-emergence herbicide, then manually weed once at 30 days after planting.

Insect pest management

Fruit borer

  1. Collecting and destroying fruit that has been damaged and also the adult caterpillars.
  2. Place pheromone traps at 12 per hectare.
  3. Apply Quinalphos 25 % EC @1.0 ml/ l

Serpentine leaf miner

  1. Neem Seed Kernel Extract 5% should be  sprayed


  1. To draw the adult, use yellow sticky traps at 12 per hectare.
  2. Remove  monkey bush (Abutilon indicum) as a weed host.
  3. Apply Dimethoate 30 % EC @1.0  ml/lit.


Spray with 0.2% Sulphur or Dicofol @ 0.3%


Spray Dimethoate 0.03% to control aphids.

Plant diseases management

Bacterial fruit spot       

Apply Streptocycline (100PPm) or copper fungicides

Tomato leaf curl

Control whitefly as mentioned because whitefly is the vector of tomato leaf curl virus.

Early blight, Late blight, Septoria leaf spot        

Apply Carbendazim + Mancozeb @ 0.2% , 0.2% Dithane Z-78

Harvesting & post-harvest management

Depending on their intended use and the distance they are to be transported, fruits should be picked up at the appropriate state of development. To prevent post-harvest transit loss during shipping, tomatoes should be harvested, thoroughly sorted, and packed in corrugated boxes or wooden baskets.