
Land Preparation
To get a decent tilth, the field must be ploughed three to four times.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: 50 -75 kg/ha Spacing: 30x10 cm
Intercultural operation
Tall varieties should be stacked with twigs or wooden poles for trailing at a height of 15 cm. Both rows of plants will be supported by a single row of stakes installed in the centre of each raised bed. In peas, earthing up and hoeing are also crucial procedures that promote plant growth and root development. Normally, this is carried out following fertiliser and weeding.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Fieldpea is often produced as a rainfed or unirrigated crop on retentive soil moisture and may to some extent withstand drought conditions. The optimum advised irrigation plan may be one or two irrigations at 45 DAS and, if necessary, at the pod filling stage.
Weed management
One day prior to planting, Fluchloralin 45% EC @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha should be used as a pre-emergence spray and should be incorporated into the soil with light hoeing.
Climate & soil

The ideal temperature range for pea growing is between 15 - 30 degrees Celsius. The ideal rainfall range is 400–500 mm. The temperature should be between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius during harvesting and between 25 - 30 degrees Celsius while planting seeds. Peas may be grown on many different types of soil, although well-drained, light soils work best. pH-6-7.5 is suitable.

Insect pest management

Pod borer

Spray Azadirachtin three times, at intervals of two weeks, at 0.03% (300ppm).


Spray Methyl Demeton 25 EC @ 1 ml/l of water or Cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD @ 0.6 ml/l of water to control aphids


  1. Garden cleanliness is crucial, and sown seed must be insect free. Don't forget to get your seed from a trustworthy supplier.
  2. Field cleanliness techniques, such as eradicating agricultural leftovers and removing volunteer pea plants, can greatly help to safeguard future harvests.
  3. Weevil control can be achieved by crop rotation.

Leaf miner

Spray 1 litre of dimethoate 30 EC in 750 litres of water per hectare, then repeat every 15 days. Before plucking pods, there should be a 20-day waiting period.

Plant diseases management

Fusarium wilt    

  1. When seeds are treated with carbendazim (2 g/kg of seed), the seedlings are shielded during their early growth phases.
  2. Soil should be drenched with copper oxychloride 0.25%.

Powdery mildew

To manage the disease, spray inorganic sulphur 0.25% or Tridemorph 0.1%.


The disease is efficiently controlled by fungicidal treatment using Tridemorph 0.1% or Mancozeb 0.25%.

Harvesting & post-harvest management

75 days after sowing, the crop can be harvested. When 75–80% of the pods turn yellow, harvesting should begin.