
Land Preparation
After kharif crop harvest, the ground has to be turned over with a soil-turning plough once. Planking and cross-harrowing should come next. Flat bed sowing is preferable than raised bed planting.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: Small-seeded types should be sown at a rate of 30–40 kg/ha, whereas bold-seeded varieties should be sown at a rate of 50–60 kg/ha. Spacing : 25x10 cm
Intercultural operation
Weeds can be controlled by one weeding 30–40 days after sowing or by using Pendimethalin @1.0 kg/ha right away.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Light irrigation 40–45 days after sowing and during the pod-formation stage is useful when there are no winter rains.
Weed management
Weeds can be controlled by one weeding 30–40 days after sowing or by using Pendimethalin @1.0 kg/ha right away.
Climate and soil

In the northern regions, lentil is produced on a variety of soil types, including light loamy sand, heavy clay soils, and relatively deep, light black soils in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. It may be grown up to an elevation of 3500 metres. Its growth and development are best at temperatures between 15 - 25 degrees Celsius.

Insect pest management


  1. In plants that receive a lot of nitrogen fertiliser, aphid populations tend to be greater.
  2. Neem extract, or azadirachtin, is used to suppress aphid.
  3. Use of carbaryl or imidacloprid is advised.
  1. Neem oil 3000 ppm @ 2 ml/l should be sprayed.
  2. Dimethoae 30% EC (400 g a.i/l) can be sprayed at a rate of 0.8 l/ha.

Leaf weevil

  1. The most cost-effective methods to manage the weevil include crop rotation, the eradication of damaged buds, and the employment of natural enemies.
  2. Monocrotophos 36 SL @ 2 ml/ha is used to manage the weevils if there is a high weevil population and infestation.

Pod borer

  1. Numerous parasites and predators found in Helicoverpa spp. effectively suppress this pest.
  2. Spray monocrotophous 36% SL or chloropyriphos 20% EC during flowering and the first stages of pod development.


  1. Eliminating the holes where they are sheltered.
  2. Mechanically collect and eliminate caterpillars.

Broadcast Bt mixed bait at a rate of 10 kg per ha, using a 2 gramme formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis and 1 kg of wheat bran.

Plant diseases management

Ascochyta blight

Application of Pyraclostrobin or chlorothalonil at early flowering can resist pod and seed infection.


  1. Some species of Colletotrichum can be controlled by the fungus Trichoderma harzianum and the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens used as a seed treatment.
  2. Utilise seeds from healthy plants .
  3. Whenever possible, pick a more resistant variety.
  1. Infected fields should not be used to grow lentils.
  2. Plant no broad beans or peas since they are alternate hosts.
  3. Chlorothalonil and pyraclostrobin-based formulations have been used to successfully control the disease.

Botrytis grey mould

Botrytis can be controlled by fungicides containing mancozeb, chlorothalonil, carbendazim, or procymidone.



Harvesting & post-harvest management

When a pod reaches more than 80% of its maturity, it should be cut with a sickle, dried on the threshing floor, and then threshed by being bashed with sticks or trampled by bullocks.