
Land Preparation
Crops may be sown in the optimal conditions on flat beds that had undergone four or five deep ploughings.
Seed rate and spacing
winter and spring: 8–10 kg/acre. sweet corn: 8 kg/acre baby corn: 16 kg/acre. pop corn : 7kg/acre. Spacing: 70cm x 25cm
Intercultural operation
Ten days after germination, the plants should be thinned, leaving one plant per hill. The crop plants should be earthed up when they are knee high stage (approximately 35 days following germination), followed by mild hand weeding. The second earthing up should be carried out 60 days after the crop germinated, however local conditions may cause this to vary significantly.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Irrigation should be applied to Kharif Maize at the early knee-high, tasselling, and 50% silking phases. For rabi maize, irrigation should be administered for the first time 3–4 days after seedling emergence, then every 4-5 weeks until March and then once every 1-2 weeks after that.
Weed management
For weed control, pre-emergence spraying of atrazine @ 1 Kg a.i/ha is advised.
Climate & soil

Maize may be cultivated in tropical, subtropical, and temperate highlands. The essential requirements for a maize crop are a reasonable temperature and enough moisture.

A sandy loam soil with organic content and good drainage is necessary for maize. It does well in soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 8.0.

Insect pest management

Stem borer

  1. Release an egg parasitoid  Trichogramma chilonis to combat stem borer
  2. Use 660 ml/ha of Dimethoate 30% EC.

Ash weevil

  1. Use 660 ml/ha of Dimethoate 30% EC.
  2. Release an egg parasitoid  Trichogramma chilonis to combat Ash weevil

Leaf Hopper

  1. Avoid using nitrogenous fertilizers excessively.
  2. Install a light trap.
  3. Spray Malathion 50 EC


  1. Use 660 ml/ha of Dimethoate 30% EC.
  2. Release an egg parasitoid  Trichogramma chilonis to combat Aphid



Plant diseases management

Downy mildew

  1. Use healthy seeds free from disease.
  2. Reduce the moisture content of seed to under 14%.
  3. After the first symptom, foliar spray at 20 DAP and 40 DAP, with Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @ 1000 g or Mancozeb 1000 g/ha is administered.

Turcicum leaf blight

  1. The infected corn stubbles should be burned or buried.
  2. Spray on 35 and 50 DAS with Mancozeb or Zineb at 2-4 g/l or Propiconazole 25% EC at 1 ml/l.

Charcoal rot

  1. Crop rotation is advised.
  2. Avoiding water stress throughout the flowering season will decrease the prevalence of disease.
  3. Refrain from nutritional stress.
  4. P. fluorescens (or) T. viride soil treatment at 2.5 kg per ha plus 50 kg of well-decomposed FYM (mix 10 days prior to application) or sand at 30 days following sowing

Common rust

  1. Removal of the alternate hosts should be done.
  2. Collect the agricultural residue and dispose of it by burning or burying.
  3. Spraying the follicles with kresoxim-methyl 44.3% SC at 1 ml/l, tebuconazole at 1 ml/l, chlorothalonil, or mancozeb at 2 ml/l, at 35 and 50 DAS

Aspergillus rot

  1. Maize has to be dried to a moisture content of under 14%.
  2. Reduce the crop's stress during harvest.
  3. Avert bird or insect wounds in the kernels.
  4. There should be sufficient fertility for the crop.
Harvesting & post-harvest management

Observe the following signs: 

  1. When the cob reaches maturity, the sheath will turn yellow and dry.
  2. The seeds get fairly dry and hard over time.  The crop is now prepared for harvest.

After harvesting the cobs should be threshed.