
Land Preparation
To break up all the clods and get a good tilth, plough the ground once with a tractor, twice with an iron plough, or three to four times with a country plough.
Seed rate and spacing
Use 4-5 kg/ha of seed for an irrigated crop and 5-6 kg/ha for a crop that is rainfed. In heavy soils, space the seeds 60 x 30 cm apart, and in light soils, 45 x 30 cm. observe the ridge-and-furrow system.
Intercultural operation
Thin out extra plants when they've been growing for two weeks. At the 3–4 week and 6-7 week stages, hoeing, weeding, top dressing, and earthing up should be completed, then watering. Weeds can be efficiently controlled by using the herbicide Alachlor/Pendimethalin @ 1.0kg/ha the day after sowing.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
In general, 9–10 irrigations are enough for light soils, whereas 5–6 irrigations are enough for heavy soils. Germination, capitulum initiation, flowering, and grain-filling are the crucial moisture-requirement phases.
Weed management
Weeds can be efficiently controlled by using the herbicide Alachlor/Pendimethalin @ 1.0kg/ha the day after sowing.
Climate & soil

It needs cooler temperatures for seed germination and seedling development, warm weather for seedling growth up to flowering, and clear, bright days for flowering and maturation.It thrives in rich, deep soils that have good drainage. A pH of 6.5-8.0 is considered optimal. Salinity at a moderate range is tolerable for sunflower.

Insect pest management

Capitulum borer (Head borer): Helicoverpa armigera    

  1. Release parasitoids at 20,000/acre, such as Trichogramma spp.
  2. Use of pheromone traps (4 traps/acre) to catch the male moths and identify the pest intensity.
  3. Before laying eggs, spraying 5% neem oil or 5% neem seed kernel extract.

Leaf hopper (jassids): Amrasca biguttula

  1. Up to seven weeks of protection from leaf hoppers can be provided by seed treatment with Imidacloprid 70 WS at 7 g/kg.
  2. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 100 ml/ha or Imidacloprid 70% WS 490 ml/ha should be sprayed.

Bihar hairy caterpillar: Spilosoma oblique

  1. The summer should be used for deep ploughing.
  2. The gathering and disposal of larvae.
  3. To get rid of the pest, use 1000ml/ha of Phosalone 35 EC.

Tobacco caterpillar: Spodoptera litura

  1. Destroy the larvae by hand-picking them.
  2. Honey bees are poisoned by insecticide applications made at the time of a bee visit. Therefore, use pesticides after 4 PM when bee activity is at its lowest.
  3. To get rid of the pest, use 1000ml/ha of Phosalone 35 EC.
Plant diseases management

Alternaria blight

  1. Sunflowers planted in mid-September are still free of the disease.
  2. Spraying the leaves with 0.3 percent Mancozeb, taken four times with a 10-day gap, manages the disease.


Mancozeb 1000 g/ha should be sprayed.

Downy Mildew              

  1. It has been discovered that seed treatment with Metalaxyl at a dosage of 3 g per kilogramme of seed provides efficient control.
  2. A considerable amount of control is also provided through planting site selection and crop waste removal.

Sunflower necrosis

Imidacloprid 2 gms per kilogramme of seed should be used to treat seeds.

Harvesting and post-harvest management

When the back of the head gets yellow, harvest the crop. Thresh the seed after drying it for a couple of days and store it with 9–10% moisture.