
Land Preparation
To get a decent seed bed, one ploughing and two (crosswise) harrowing are necessary. Since the crop cannot withstand prolonged water stagnation, it is crucial to have excellent drainage facilities.
Seed rate and spacing
Drilling should be used for sowing, with a seed rate of 30–40 kg/ha. 30 kg of seed per hectare is adequate for small-seeded Sudan kinds. Avoid broadcasting seeds to the public. When sowing, the seed should not be buried deeper than 2-2.5 cm. Spacing: 30x10 cm
Intercultural operation
Thinning of seedlings should be done followed by gap filling with the thinned seedlings.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Rainy season crops grown in July may require l-2 irrigations, depending on how the rain occurs. The high evaporative demand of the environment demands 5–6 irrigations for crops seeded in the summer. Crops during Rabi season in the Southern area require roughly 4 irrigations.
Weed management
At the three to four week crop stage, one hoeing through a weeder and mulcher is quite successful at controlling the weeds. Atrazine applied before to emergence at a rate of 0.50 kg a.i. ha in 600 litres of water is also extremely efficient. Alcohol @ 1.0mg a.i. pre-emergence spraying is recommended for sorghum intercropped with legumes.
Climate & soil

As long as the rain falls uniformly throughout the season, the crop may be cultivated during both the South West and North East monsoons.

It grows well on well-drained sandy loam to loam soils with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5. To ensure weed-free sowing, the field should be well prepared and levelled. Well-prepared soils produce greater crop stands and growth.



Insect pest management

Shoot fly

  1. Imidacloprid 70 WS seed treatment at 10 g/kg of seeds
  2. Soon after harvest, clear and eliminate the stubbles using a plough.
  3. Application of Methyl demeton 25 EC 12 ml/ha
  4. Application of Dimethoate 30 EC 12 ml/ha

Stem borer

  1. Cowpea can be sown as inter crop to reduce the damage.
  2. Apply Phorate 10 G @8 kg/ha
  3. Apply Carbofuran 3 G @17 kg/ha

Earhead caterpillar

  1. Place light traps until late at night to track, draw, and kill adult earhead caterpillars.
  2. Install 12 sex pheromone traps per hectare to draw male moths.
  3. Apply Carbaryl 10D 25 kg/ha
  4. Apply Malathion 5D 25 kg/ha

Shoot bug

  1. Spray phosphomidon @ 250 ml in 450-500 litres of water/ha
  2. Spray 0.04% diazine or 0.02% dimethoate.
Plant diseases management


  1. Treatment of seeds with 4g/kg of Captan/Thiram.
  2. Smutted earheads can be collected in cotton bags and destroyed by immersing them in boiling water.

Downy mildew

  1. After recognising the signs of foliar diseases, spray any of the fungicides, including Metalaxyl + Mancozeb 500 g or Mancozeb 1000 g/ha, on both transplanted and direct-sown crops.
  2. Infected plants should be rogued.


Use 1 kg/ha of Mancozeb to spray. After 10 days, apply fungicide once again.

Anthracnose and Red rot

  1. Treatment of seeds with 4g/kg of Captan or Thiram.
  2. Spray 1 kg/ha of Mancozeb.
Harvesting & post-harvest management

In the case of single cut varieties, the crop should be harvested 60 to 75 days after sowing (50 percent, blooming stage), and in the case of multicut varieties, the first cut should be made at 40 to 45 days and successive cuts spaced 30 days apart.