
Land Preparation
Several plowings should be used to thoroughly prepare the area. When preparing the land, well-decomposed FYM (25 t/ha) is incorporated. On ridges or on level ground, bhendi is sown. Sowing should be done on ridges if the soil is heavy. The plant development and production of this crop are enhanced by the application of organic manure, such as neem cake and poultry manures.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: In the summer, Bhendi needs roughly 3.5–5.5 kg of seeds per ha, while for a rainy season, 8–10 kg of seeds per ha. Spacing: 45 x 30 cm
Intercultural operation
In the first 20 to 25 days of plant growth, the crop must be kept weed-free. There should be 3 to 4 weedings in total. When the seedlings are two weeks old, the first weeding is carried out, and successive weedings are carried out every 25 days after that.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
The frequency of irrigation for bhendi crops varies depending on the season and the soil type. In high rainfall areas where rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the growing season, bendi is cultivated without irrigation throughout the rainy season. To promote proper germination, a mild watering should be applied shortly after seeding. In the summer, the crop is watered every 4-5 days. Fruit quality and production are decreased by moisture stress during the fruit setting period. Typically, the furrow technique of irrigation is used to water the crop.
Weed management
In the first 20 to 25 days of plant growth, the crop must be kept weed-free. There should be 3 to 4 weedings overall. When the seedlings are two weeks old, the first weeding is carried out, and successive weedings are carried out every 25 days after that. One-handed weeding at 20–25 days after planting, followed by the pre-emergence application of Basalin 48 EC (1.5 kg a.i./ha) or Stomp 30 EC (0.75 kg a.i./ha), efficiently suppresses the weed development.
Climate & soil

Bhendi needs a lengthy, warm growth season when it is growing. In a warm, humid environment, it produces well. Temperatures between 24-27 °C are ideal for its growth. Bhendi may grow in a variety of soil types, however sandy loam soils that are loose, friable, well-drained, and rich in organic matter are where it thrives. An ideal pH range is between 6.0-6.8.

Insect pest management

Shoot and fruit borer

  1. Apply Spinosad 45% SC @0.2ml/lit
  2. Apply Quinalphos @ 2ml/lit

Fruit borer

  1. Apply Spinosad 45% SC @0.2ml/lit
  2. Apply QuinalphosLeaf roller
  1. Apply Spinosad 45% SC @0.2ml/lit
  2. Apply Quinalphos @ 2ml/lit


Jassid/ Leaf Hopper

Apply Spinosad 45% SC @0.2ml/lit

Apply Acetameprid 20%SP @ 40-60gm/acre


Apply Imidacloprid 70 WG @ 0.2ml/lit

Apply Acetameprid 20%SP @ 60-80gm/acre


Apply Acetameprid 20%SP @ 40-60gm/acre

Apply Spinosad 45% SC @0.2ml/lit



Plant diseases management

Cercospora leaf spot

 To manage the disease, spray Mancozeb 0.25% .

Fusarium wilt

  1. Apply Mancozeb to the seeds at a rate of 3g/kg seed.
  2. Spray 0.25% Copper Oxy Chloride on the field.

Powdery mildew

  1. Spary Dinocap 0.1% or inorganic Sulphur 0.25% three to four times spaced 15 days apart.

Yellow vein mosaic virus

  1. The whitely (Bemisia tabaci) is the vector for viral transmission.
  2. Plant the varieties which are resistant to the disease.
  3. Spray Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 2 g/lit, Azadirachtin 0.03 WSP @ 5 g/10l, methyl demeton 25 EC @ 1.6 ml/l, or other insecticides to kill the whitefly that serves as the vector.
  4. Application of 2.5 ml of Chlorpyriphos and 2 ml of Neem oil in a liter of water can manage it.
Harvesting & Post-harvest management

Depending on the type and season, the fruits are available for harvesting 45 to 60 days after the seeds are sown. Varieties, hybrids, and market preferences all influence the size of the pod and the stage at which it is harvested. Typically, harvesting involves snapping off medium-sized (7–10 cm long) fragile pods from the plant. Because not all fruits ripen at the same time, harvesting should be done once every 3 to 4 days. Picking often encourages fruit growth and stops pods from getting too big.