
Land Preparation
For consistent seed germination, a well-pulvarized but compact seedbed is required. An optimum seedbed is produced by two to three ploughings, followed by a harrowing.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed Rate: 100 -125 kg/ha- timely sowing(20 Nov to 10 Dec.) 150 kg/ha- late sowing (10 Dec. to 30 Dec.) Spacing: 22.5 x 10 cm
Intercultural operation
The field should be kept weed free. Apply Sulphosulfuran 33ml/ha 32-35 DAS to narrow leafy weed, and 2,4-D @ 500 g/ha to broad leafy weed.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
The stages of crown root initiation and heading are the most crucial to moisture stress. For wheat crops, four to six irrigations are sufficient. These should be used in accordance with the needs of the crop and the amount of water that is available.
Weed management
The field should be kept weed free. Apply Sulphosulfuran 33ml/ha 32-35 DAS to narrow leafy weed, and 2,4-D @ 500 g/ha to broad leafy weed.
Climate & soil

20–25°C is ideal. Loamy soil is preferred.

Insect pest management


Apply chlorpyriphos 20 EC


  1. Endosulfan 35 EC 4ml/kg of seed should be applied to the seed.
  2. Spray 200-250 gm/ha of Dimethoate or Chloropyriphos 1200ml/ha if the infestation is in standing crop.

Pink stem borer

After germination, spray Phorate 10% CG @ 1 l/ha every 20 days.

Army worm

Application of Cartap hydrochloride is advisable.

Plant diseases management

Brown rust 

  1. Don't use nitrogenous fertilisers in excess.
  2. Spray Propiconazole at 0.1% or Zineb at 2.5 kg per hectare.
  3. Cultivate resistant species

Stem rust 

  1. Dusting with Sulphur should be done at 35–40 kg/ha.
  2. Apply Mancozeb at 2g/lit
  3. Choose resistant cultivars.

Yellow rust

  1. Dusting with Sulphur should be done at 35–40 kg/ha.
  2. Apply Mancozeb at 2g/lit
  3. Choose resistant cultivars.

Loose smut 

  1. Before planting, treat the seed with Vitavax @ 2g/kg seed.
  2. So as to prevent secondary transmission, bury the infected ear heads in the ground.

Powdery mildew

Spray Carbendazim at 500 g/ha or Wettable Sulphur 0.2%.

Harvesting & post-harvest management

Harvesting should be done when the moisture content of the seed becomes 25-30% . Then threshing should be done to obtain the grains. But before storage the grains should be dried under sunlight so that the moisture content of the grains become 12 % which is ideal for storage.