
Land Preparation
By breaking up the clods and ploughing the soil 2-4 times, you may get a fine tilth. Seed is blended in a 1:20 ratio with either sand, dry soil, or well-sieved farmyard manure to enable easy sowing and equal distribution. Work the soil with a harrow before pressing it with a wooden plank to cover the seed.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: 5 kg/ha Spacing: 30x15 cm
Intercultural operation
During the first 20 to 25 days, the crop is extremely susceptible to weed competition. To maintain the field clear of weeds and to make moisture and nutrients available to the crop, two weedings are necessary: one after 15-20 days of planting and another after 30-35 days following sowing. Thin the crop when the plants are around 15 cm tall, leaving 15–25 cm between each plant.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Depending on the situation, as the crop often receives enough rain during the monsoon season. Never let the rainwater sit in the field for an extended period of time; instead, quickly remove any surplus water to prevent damaging the growth. The ideal irrigation practises are two irrigations at a depth of 3 cm each during the vegetative phase (4-5 leaf stage or branching) and reproductive phase (during flowering or pod production).
Weed management
Three weeks after seeding, allow one hoeing. Within two days following planting, use Lasso 50 EC (Alachlor) at a rate of 1200 ml/acre after dissolving it in 200 litres of water.
Climate & soil

The ideal temperature needed for the duration of its life cycle is between 25-35 degrees Celsius. When there are hot winds and temperatures above 40 degrees C, the oil content decreases. Although sesame may be cultivated in a variety of soils, well-drained soils with a light to medium texture are ideal. The ideal pH range is 5.5- 8.0. Soils that are too acidic or alkaline are not suited.

Insect pest management

Leaf webber/ roller and capsule borer

  1. Apply Neem seed kernels extract (5%).
  2. Apply Carbaryl 50 WP 1000 g/ha in 500 litre of water

Hawk or Dead head moth(Sphinx caterpillar)

  1. The pupae are exposed to insectivorous avian predation through deep ploughing.
  2. Caterpillar elimination and collecting by hand.
  3. Dust with phosalone 4% or malathion 5% twice, once at 30 DAS and once at 45 DAS.

Linseed Gall fly

  1. To stop the bug from spreading, the infected buds should be cut off and burned.
  2. larval parasite preservation Pteromalus fasciatus
  3. Apply dimethoate @ 0.03% to the crop at the time of bud initiation.

Leaf hopper

Spray Quinalphos 25%EC @2000 ml/ha or Methyl demeton 25%EC  @1200 ml/ha.


Plant diseases management

Bacerial Blight

  1. Periodically remove the reservoir host.
  2. Prevent using closer spacing.
  3. At 1000 g/ha, apply mancozeb.

Cercospora Leaf Root

  1. Destroy and remove infested plants.
  2. Spray NSKE at 5% or neem oil at 2% to control vector.
  3. Spray thiamethoxam 25WG @ 40 g/ac, imidacloprid 17.8SL @ 40 ml/ac, or Quinalphos 25 EC 800 ml/ac.

Damping off

  1. Crop rotation should be done
  2. agricultural residue should be destructed.
  3. Treatment of seeds with 4 g/kg of Trichoderma viride
  4. Spot drench in water containing 1 g/l of carbendazim 50 WP.

Sesamum Phyllody

Spray 1000 g/ha of mancozeb 72 WP.

Harvesting & post-harvest management

When plants begin to pale, harvest the produce. In order to prevent shattering, harvesting must be done as soon as possible. Plants should be tied into tiny bundles after harvesting for stacking. The entire crop may be collected with just two shakes of the bundles.