
Land Preparation
For cauliflower to grow well, the field must be prepared carefully. Plank after each 3–4 times of ploughing.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: Early-700-800Kg/ha. Mid early- 400-500gm/ha. and late- 500-600gm/ha. Spacing: Early crop : 45 x 30 cm Mid and Late crop : 60 x 45 cm
Intercultural operation
Regular intercultural activities are necessary to aerate the root system and keep the crop free of weeds. Blanching is a crucial step in the production of high-quality curd in cauliflower because it prevents the curds from becoming yellow from exposure to the sun.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
After transplantation, the first irrigation is given. Weather, soil type, and variety will all influence how much irrigation is needed. However, it is crucial to consistently maintain an ideal moisture supply during both the growth and curd formation stages. Because of the rainfall, early and midseason crops often require less watering. Furrow irrigation should be used if planting is done on ridges and there is rainfall.
Weed management
Apply Fluchloralin (Basalin) 800ml/150-200 Ltr water before transplanting to check for weed control, and then manually weed 30 to 40 days after transplanting. Apply Pendimethalin at a rate of 1 litre per acre one day before seedling transplantation.
Climate & soil

The cauliflower has a broad range of environmental tolerance, flourishing in temperate subtropical and tropical regions. Young plants should be grown at a temperature of about 23°C, although later stages are best at 17–20°C. Cauliflower may be grown on deep loamy soils with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.6, increased organic matter content, and adequate drainage.

Insect pest management

Diamond Back moth

  1. After the crop has been harvested, clear away and burn the residues.
  2. Apply Pheromone traps  @12/ha
  3. Use 5% of the Neem seed kernel extract.

Leaf Webber

  1. Eliminate and destroy the webbed leaves that contain caterpillars.
  2. Install light traps at 1/ha.
  3. Encourage the parasite's activity: Cotesia crocidolomiae
  4. Spray carbaryl 0.2% or malathion 50 EC @ 0.1%.

Stem borer

  1. Caterpillars should be gathered and mechanically destroyed in the early phases of an attack.
  2. At the primordial stage, apply Bacillus thuringiensis @ 2g/lit.
  3. Use 500g/ha of Cartap hydrochloride or 500ml/ha of Malathion 50 EC.

Tobacco caterpillar

  1. Plough the ground to reveal and eliminate the pupae
  2. Place light trap @1/ha
  3. Use pheromone traps (Pherodin SL) at a rate of 15 per hectare to draw male moths.
  4. Spray dichlorovos 76 WSC or chlorpyriphos 20 EC 2 lit/ha.
Plant diseases management

Downy mildew

  1. It is recommended to treat seeds with Metalaxyl (Apron 6g/kg).
  2. Foliar spray containing 0.4% of Metalaxyl (Ridomil) should be used.

Wire stem

A seedbed that has been sterilised and saturated with copper oxychloride 0.25% can effectively suppress disease.

Harvesting & post-harvest management

The curds are harvested as soon as they reach the proper maturity, are compact, and preserve their original white colour. Delaying the harvest causes the curds to overmature, which lowers their quality.