
Land Preparation
Since the sugarcane crop remains on the field for more than a year, a tractor-drawn mouldboard plough must be used for deep ploughing. The ideal time to plough is just after the previous crop is harvested or right after a substantial downpour of rain. It is advised to use four to six ploughings to create good tilth. Planking should come after each ploughing.
Seed rate and spacing
Normal planting: 40,000 three budded setts/ha Wider spacing: 36000 two budded sets/ha Bud chips: 22500 seedlings/ha Early varieties should have 80 cm between rows, whereas mid-late variety should have 90 cm. For wider & Bud chip seedlings grown under drip, the recommended row spacing is 165 cm.
Intercultural operation
Four months after planting, earthing up should be done, with the crop being supported twice or three times by trash twist, depending on crop development.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
Pre-monsoon season irrigation should be applied every 15 days, monsoon season irrigation should be used as needed, and post-monsoon season irrigation should be applied every 25 days.
Weed management
Pre-emergence herbicide Atrazine @ 5 kg/ha in 700-800 liters of water should be applied immediately after planting. Use Atrazine sparingly if sugarcane is interplanted with vegetables, legumes, and oilseeds. Spray either Metribuzin at 0.75 kg per ha or Alachlor or Oxyfluorfen (Goal) at 1.25 litres per ha in this situation. Weeds can be controlled by hand weeding 45 days after planting, followed by two-time interculture at 60 and 90 days. It is advised to apply 2,4-D at a rate of 1.0 kg/ha after emergence. Use Sempra at 90 g/ha at the four to five-leaf stage if the issues in Cyprus continue.
Climate & soil

The crop thrives in tropical areas with 750–1200mm of rainfall. It needs a cold, dry season to ripen. Medium-heavy soils are ideal for growing sugarcane, although lighter soils and heavy clays can also be used if irrigation is available in sufficient amounts in the former case and drainage is appropriate in the latter.

Insect pest management

Early shoot borer

  1. Take out and eliminate dead hearts.
  2. Install 10 Nos. of pheromone traps  per ha.
  3. To make the solution adhere to the surface of the crop, you may also add 1000 ml of chlorpyriphos and a sticker like Teepol (250 ml / 500 l of water). High volume sprayers are recommended for maximum effectiveness.

Top shoot borer

  1. Gather and eliminate the egg masses.
  2. campaign-based once every four days egg mass collecting beginning on the day of moth emergence
  3. Thimet 10G 3 kg a.i/ha or Carbofuran 3G 1 kg a.i/ha should be used.


  1. To stop the emergence of adult white flies, destroy puparia bearing leaves and quickly dispose of them by burning or burying.
  2. Ensure enough irrigation to increase soil moisture and decrease growth.
  3. In 750 litres of spray fluid, use Thiamethoxan 25 WG @ 125g/ha.
  4. Apply Chlorpyriphos


  1. Make use of resistant varieties.
  2. Clear the field of any extra water.
  3. Avoid using too much nitrogen fertilisers.
  4. Apply Malathion 50 EC 1000 ml.
Plant diseases management

Red rot

  1. The most effective approach for preventing red rot is to choose healthy plants in an area free of disease when choosing setts for planting.
  2. Cultivating varieties that are fairly resistant and suggested to be resistant
  3. Use Carbendazim 50WP sett treatment (0.5 gm in 1 litre of water) prior to planting.

Sett rot

  1. Disease-free fields should be used to produce healthy setts.
  2. Setts should be planted in a depth of 1-2 cm with proper drainage.
  3. The severity of the disease is decreased by dipping the setts in 40 ppm of boron or manganese or by spraying the plants with one of these trace elements.
  4. Apply Carbendazim to the root zone at a rate of 2 grammes per litre of water, then repeat the process 15 days later.
  5. Smut
  1. Cultivating varieties that are fairly resistant and suggested to be resistant
  2. The seed setts should be treated with Aerated Steam Therapy (AST) at 50 degree C for an hour.
  3. Set up a 10-minute treatment with fungicides like Triadimefon (1 g in 1 l of water) or Carbendazim (1 g in 1 l of water).


  1. Growing resistant varieties is the most effective method for preventing sugarcane rust.
  2. Immediately remove and burn any damaged leaves.
  3. Spray Mancozeb 2.0 kg/ha or Tridemorph 1.0 litres.
  4. Apply Dithane (M-45) at a rate of 2 g/lit once.
Harvesting & post-harvest management

It takes between 12 and 18 months to mature, depending on the variety and time of sowing. Typically, the planting season lasts from January to March, while the harvesting season is from December to March. To produce maximum amount of millable canes (and subsequently sugar in the given growing environment, sugarcane must be harvested at the optimum time, or peak maturity, by using the suitable technique.