Red gram

Land Preparation
It requires a seed bed that is deep, finely ground and well-drained. Prior to planking, it is essential to deep-plow with a soil-turning plough to a depth of 15 cm. After that, do 2-3 discing and harrowing operations.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate: 12-15kg/ha Spacing: 60-75x15-20 cm
Intercultural operation
Immediately after planting, spray Pendimethalin @ 2.5 to 3.5 l/ha to effectively suppress weeds. If required, use Imazethapyr @ 750 ml/ha after 20–25 days. One or two hoeing if required with gorru/guntaka to maintain the crop free of weeds for 60 DAS.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
The most crucial times for moisture stress are during flowering and pod development. At this time, light irrigations improve the output.
Weed management
Immediately after planting, spray Pendimethalin @ 2.5 to 3.5 l/ha to effectively suppress weeds. If required, use Imazethapyr @ 750 ml/ha after 20–25 days. One or two hoeing if required with gorru/guntaka to maintain the crop free of weeds for 60 DAS.
Climate & soil

In the rainy season (June to October), pigeonpeas may be produced at temperatures between 26°C - 30°C, and in the post-rainy season (November to March), they can be grown at temperatures between 17°C -22°C. It grows well in a range of soil types, including clay loams and sand loams. But it thrives best in loamy soil that is rich and well-drained. In soils with a pH range of 6.5 -7.5, it grows well.

Insect pest management

Gram pod borer: Helicoverpa armigera 

  1. It is advisable to undertake deep summer ploughing.
  2. Place 5 pheromone traps per hectare.
  3. Quinolphos insecticide, 2ml per lit of water should be sprayed.

Blue butterfly

  1. Take care when planting; avoid dense and closely planting.
  2. Avoid seeding too early or too late.
  3. Larvae and pupae are killed when soil is dug up often.
  4. Trichogramma spp., an egg parasitoid, is useful.
  5. It is recommended to apply carbaryl 50 WP@1000 kg/ha.

Plume moth

  1. Installation of bird perches at a rate of 50/ha is necessary.
  2. Mechanical collecting of mature larva.
  3. Any of the following insecticides can be used: Spinosad 45%SC 125-162 ml/ha or Dimethoate 30% EC 1237 ml/ha or Neem oil 2%, or Phosalone 0.07%

Sterility mite

  1. Use pigeonpea varieties that are resistant.
  2. Spray wettable sulphur 40 WP 3.0 kg, dicofol 18.5 EC 1.0 L, dimethoate 30 EC, or both. 35 EC of phosalone in 1.0 L 1 L in 700 L of water per hectare
Plant diseases management

Fusarium Wilt  

  1. Treatment of seeds  with Carbendazim, or thiram at 2 g/kg.
  2. Neem cake is applied to the soil at a rate of 150 kg per ha.
  3. Carbendazim spot drenching at a rate of 1 g/liter should be carried out.

Dry root Rot

  1. Treatment of seeds  with carbendazim, or thiram at 2 g/kg.
  2. Neem cake is applied to the soil at a rate of 150 kg per ha.
  3. Carbendazim spot drenching at a rate of 1 g/liter should be carried out.

Alternaria Leaf Spot

1 kg/ha of Mancozeb spray is recommended.      

Powdery Mildew

  1. Spraying twice with neem oil 3% or neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) 5% 10 days after the first signs of the disease.
  2. Use wettable Sulphur 2.5g/lit or Carbendazim 1g/lit to spray.

Pigeon pea sterility Mosaic

  1. Removing diseased plants 40 days after planting by rouging.
  2. Spraying Fenazaquin @ 1 ml/litre as soon as the disease first manifests, then repeating if necessary after 15 days.
Harvesting & post-harvest management

When 80% of the pods on red gram plants have reached full development, they should be harvested. Put the plants in a stack for a few days. Divide the pods with sticks, strip the grains of their husks, and dry them to the desired moisture content (10–12%). The crop is harvested when 75% of the pods turn brown.


The harvest is done up top with a sickle. Harvested plants are given time to dry in the sun. Threshing can be done mechanically or by a person hitting the pods with a stick.