
Land Preparation
Create ridges and furrows with a 60 cm spacing and add FYM @ 25 t/ha to the field and thoroughly prepare it. Mix 20 kg of FYM with 2 kg/ha of Azospirillum and 2 kg/ha of Phosphobacteria. Transplant seedlings when they are 40–45 days old after irrigating the furrows.
Seed rate and spacing
Seed rate- Direct sowing : 1.5 to 2.0 kg seed/ha. Through seedlings : 800 to 1000 g/ha Hybrids : 350 – 400 g/ha Spacing- Indigenous Varieties : 60 x 45 cm Hybrids : 75 x 60 cm
Intercultural operation
Interculture is required to keep the field free from weeds, which, in addition to depriving the crop of nutrients, also serve as a breeding ground for insects and diseases. Regularly spaced out shallow cultivating should be done.
Crop nutrition management
Crop nutrition management
Irrigation Management
The most crucial stages of water requirement are flowering and fruit development. Water stagnation shouldn't be permitted in nurseries. Weekly irrigation intervals should be maintained.
Weed management
Apply a pre-emergence herbicide like pendimethalin at 1 ltr/acre or Fluchloralin at 800 ml/acre, then manually weed once after 30 days of planting. After 25 days of planting, do the first weeding operation. Repeat weeding as necessary to maintain the field clear of weeds.
Climate & soil

The chilli is a tropical and subtropical plant that thrives in warm, humid climates with temperature ranges between 20-25 degrees Celsius. Loamy, well-drained soils with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5 and rich in organic matter is suitable.

Insect pest management


  1. Imidacloprid 70% WS @ 12 g/kg of seed should be applied to seeds.
  2. Use 33 kg/ha of carbofuran 3% G.

Fruit borer

  1. Gather and kill the contaminated fruit and larvae that have matured.
  2. Set up 15/ha pheromone trap using Helilure.


  1. Encourage the predatory mite's activity: Amblyseius ovalis.
  2. Implement phorate 10% G at 10 kg/ha.
Plant diseases management

Damping off

  1. Copper oxychloride 0.25% should be applied to the soil.
  2. For seed treatment, use 4g of Thiram or Captan per kilogramme of seeds.

Fruit rot or Die back

  1. For seed treatment, use 4g of Thiram or Captan per kilogramme of seeds.
  2. In addition to lowering the frequency of disease, chemicals like wettable sulphur 0.2%, copper oxychloride 0.25%, and Zineb 0.15% also boost fruit production

Bacterial leaf spot

Field hygiene is crucial. Furthermore, seeds must come from plants that are free from disease.

Spray copper oxychloride at 2.5 g/l or mancozeb at 2 g/l.

Leaf curl virus

To stop the spread of the virus, the affected plants should be plucked and burned or buried.

Choose healthy, disease-free seeds.

Use Carbofuran 3G at a rate of 4-5 kg per acre in the main field to target-selectively eradicate sucking complex and insect vectors.

Harvesting & post-harvest management

75 days following transplantation, harvesting should be done. During first 2 pickings, the chillies are green and after that the chilli becomes red.